Over 1.5 Goals

Time League Match Tip Score
17:00 EGY Zamalek VS National Bank Egypt Over 1.5 :
20:00 ECL Fiorentina VS Club Brugge KV Over 1.5 :
20:00 UEL Marseille VS Atalanta Over 1.5 :
20:00 UEL AS Roma VS Bayer Leverkusen Over 1.5 :
19:30 EPL Chelsea VS Tottenham Over 1.5 :
20:00 UEL Marseille VS Atalanta Over 1.5 :
Time League Match Tip
19:00 TUR Besiktas VS Rizespor Over 1.5
20:00 FRA Lens VS Lorient Over 1.5
20:00 EPL Luton VS Everton Over 1.5
19:30 GER Hoffenheim VS RB Leipzig Over 1.5
18:00 FRA Toulouse VS Montpellier Over 1.5
19:45 ITA Torino VS Bologna Over 1.5
19:00 NED Almere City VS Heerenveen Over 1.5
19:00 NED Sittard VS G.A. Eagles Over 1.5
20:00 SPA Getafe VS Ath Bilbao Over 1.5


Over 1.5 goals prediction

Over 1.5 goals prediction & under 1.5 goals tips and predictions. If you think there will be 1 goal or fewer during a match’s regulation 90 minutes, then select under 1.5 goals. If you think there will be 2 goals or more, then select over 1.5 goals.

When you place a bet on the under 1.5 goals and over 1.5 goals prediction market, you are predicting that the final result will be less than 1.5 goals or more than 1.5 goals.

If you bet on a game having fewer than 1.5 goals scored, you win if only one goal is scored. In contrast, a bet on over 1.5 goals will triumph if the game features two or more goals.

Accurate over 1.5 goals predictions are posted each day on this page. We aggregate Over 1.5 data from 1,500 football leagues to determine the most probably Over 1.5 bets to be making today. The difference between Over 1.5 goals and 2.5 is Over 1.5 requires only 2 goals for the bet to win.

At Hospredict we provide the most accurate over 1.5 tips today and is the best over 1.5 goals, free daily 1.5 goals Football / Soccer Predictions site with goals accumulators today. See answers to how can l win over 1.5 goals? what is meaning over 1.5 in football prediction?, 100 over 1.5 prediction today, double chance and over 1.5 prediction, over 1.5 goals accumulators today and free Daily over 1.5 Goals football/Soccer predictions.

Pre-match picks sometimes include over 1.5 goals betting tips since they guarantee a more sure win. One goal by each team as well as one-sided contests with goals in one direction are covered by over 1.5 predictions.


What Are Over 1.5 Predictions?

Football tips on teams to score at least 2 goals in a game are referred to as over 1.5 predictions.

Over 1.5 goals betting tips or over 1.5 predictions are one of the most popular tips that people use. Maybe due to the fact that they don’t require so many goals to be scored and as we all know the point of the game will always be scoring goals.

Over 1.5 goals betting tips almost always happen when there is an early goal in the game and that’s why they a real money maker for live inplay staking.


Scoring goals are the priority in a football game. The ability to predict the number of goals that will be scored during a competitive game should not be taken for granted and that’s where our over 1.5 goals prediction come in. This might seem like a very easy option to predict but we quickly find out that it is not when the soccer games ensue.

Find free over 1.5 goals and under 1.5 goals tips and predictions. Check over 1.5 goals and under 1.5 goals stats, follow tips from successful tipsters and profit from goals betting.

Our over .5 goals and under 1.5 tips can be found on this page each week. These bets require a chosen football team to either score over or under 2 goals in a given match in order to win.